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Procedural Parameters

Final Renders


I wanted to make a procedural building based on part of Montane Mansion in Hong Kong. I traveled to Hong Kong in 2018 and this was a really amazing place to see in real life and it was a lot of fun to recreate digitally.

Hong Kong 1711 Part08-7.jpg
hk sky2.jpg
street view.jpg

User Guide



Parameter Descriptions

Number of Floors: Controls the number of floors above the ground floor.


Center Width: Controls the width (x-axis) of the center segment (not including the sides).                              It also controls the whole width of the building when the sides visibility is                              turned off.


Center Depth: Controls the depth (x-axis) of the center segment (not including the sides).                            It also controls the whole depth of the building when the sides visibility is                              turned off.


Wall Extrude Distance: Controls the distance that segments of the wall extrude from the                                         main body of the building.


Random Color: Controls the random seed of the color applied to the extruded segments of                         the wall.


Window Side: Controls the width of the windows and the clothes racks on the walls.


Window Trim: Controls the thickness of the trim on the windows.


Horizontal Bar Height: Controls the height of the horizontal bar in the windows.


Number of Window Bars: Controls the number of bars dividing each window.


Garage Door Width: Controls the width of the garage doors on the bottom floor of the                                       building.


Rooftop Density: Controls the density of the buildings on the roof.


Roof Seed: Controls the random placement of the buildings on the roof.


Rooftop Relax Radius: Controls how the buildings on the roof space themselves out.


Window Drying Racks: Lets the user turn on or off the visibility of the clothes drying racks                                       on the walls.


Random Seed: Controls the random placement of the clothes drying racks on the walls.


Sides: Allows the user to hide the right and left sides of the building, leaving only the                      center (allowing for more variety and usability).


Side Width: Controls the width of the sides.


Side Depth: Controls the depth of the sides.


Rooftop Density Side: Controls the rooftop building density on the sides of the building.


Rooftop Seed Side: Controls the random placement of buildings on the roof of the sides.


Rooftop Relax Radius Side: Controls how the buildings on the side of the roof space                                                     themselves out.


Side Toggle Setup

I used a switch node controlled by a toggle on the top level building parameters to hide geometry. I wanted my building to have a higher level of customization, allowing the user to use it in more places.

Screenshot (13).png
Screenshot (23).jpg
Screenshot (21).jpg

Random Placement

I used the For-each loop to control random placement of geometry in a few places. I attached a switch node to a copy node in the For Each loop, which allowed the switch node to change its input for each iteration. That determined which geometry would be placed on which point. I used this same concept for the small huts on the roof, clothing racks under windows, and the color of the building extrusions.

Screenshot (14).png
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